Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week 8 not so good

I am my own worst enemy.

Anything I want I...I get in my own way of getting it.

That's all I can say about week 8. The next few weeks are going to be almost pointless.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

lucky week 7

week 7 included vday.  a holiday i dont really care for but if im asked to celebrate it, i will.  im completely indifferent to it.  but there it is.

it actually went well.  good times.  the very end of the week though did present not only a surprise im not too excited about but introduced a feeling of uncertainty in me.

i did good this week on this project and did everything right.  in my opinion.  this next week will give me some more direction.  very interesting position im now in.  but i still kept to my 'project: secret'.  im proud of myself for lasting this long so far.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

its natural purpose....

well, go mighty posted a challenge for the month of february that has captured my attention.

20 minutes every day.

so ive decided to spend 20 minutes each day doing something towards a go mighty goal.
since de-cluttering / spring cleaning / un-hoarding is one of my goals, i used todays 20 minutes to do so.

i found my laundry basket.  ive been piling laundry on the floor lately bc my laundry basket became an emergency catch-all. 

ive thought about buying a new one to actually use for laundry but realized that the basket i already had was not serving its natural purpose.

i spent 20 minutes emptying it, tossing un-needables, and putting things back where they belonged.  i found my favorite shoes, an xbox and a book i need to return to my bff, among a bunch of other crap.  half of which i ended up throwing away.

im happy to say the basket is now empty.  and im about to fill it up with laundry.  its natural purpose.

week 6 - true story

week 6 complete and im pretty happy with it.  i stuck to my plan.  the weekend was good and i kept my composure.

and you know what...

"you catch more flies with honey."

Friday, February 8, 2013

week 5 - hello february

week 5 - i done good.
i behaved. 
i kept my passive aggressive comments, texts, statuses, tweets to myself.
there was one moment i almost lost it a little but i quickly regained control.

and i tried something... there was a situation that in general i wouldve been upset with.  why?  im not sure.  i stepped back, applied the situation to a different person and all of a sudden things didn't seem so dire.

example, my best friend does something crappy.  i step back and say, 'what if my sister did this instead of my best friend?'.  assigning the situation to a different relationship of mine puts things in perspective.  i did this.  it worked.  and then i realized how petty things can get grow and get out of control.  why?  expectations.

we all do it - expect too much from others.  maybe its those closest to us or bc we reacted a certain way towards them that we EXPECT them to act a certain way towards us. 

i analyzed the data, realized the situation, applied the variables to a different constant and the results came out differently.  i changed my reaction and everything went super smooth.  who knew?  this is actually working...

Friday, February 1, 2013

20 minutes down..... feb 1, 2013

and today, this 1st of february, in the year of our Lord 2013...

i spent 20 minutes organizing all my paper & email clutter from my past and upcoming mystery shops

progress made! thanks to the 20 Minutes project & go mighty!!