Sunday, September 30, 2012

sons of anarchy

"just AKs and shotguns..."
omg, i want a motorcycle.  and guns!
i started this show and knocked out 3 -13 week seasons in a week.
i am hooked.  totally hooked.

other than the scene where the ill baby is pushed in his stoller thru the smoke-infested clubhouse, i approve of this show!  :)
and where can i get this jake danzel tennessee whiskey??

best part - a few episodes were produced by one of the double trouble twins.  :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

27TH & 28TH in retrospect...

i did miss blogging the last 2 days because i didnt have internet access.  which sucks by the way.

so i get to make a 10 task list of what i did.  to put things in writing, whether on paper, on a blog, on facebook, in an email... makes it real.  it makes you accountable for what you announce that you will do.  so even though i was technically challenged...i still need to do this for my own accountability.

1 - cat sit - CHECK
2 - sign up for end of month shops - CHECK
3 - deposit check - CHECK
4 - meet in midtown - CHECK
5 - send week resumes - CHECK
6 - get apartment lot clicker - CHECK
7 - call to arrange last med bill payment
8 - file september mystery shop proof and discard paid shops - CHECK
9 - call car ins to check on increase  - CHECK
10 - start organizing aunts scrapbook

29th...near the end!

got a day left after this.  im going to use tomorrow, the 30th to complete any and all tasks for the month so this will be my last 5 task list :)

1 - cat sit - CHECK
2 - chili cookoff - CHECK
3 - organize end of month/october shops - CHECK
4 - finish laundry - CHECK
5 - get shop photo & submit - CHECK :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

the 26th

the 26th.  i dont want to fail at the end of the month :(

1 - do 2 phone shops - CHECK
2 - send resumes - CHECK
3 - update unemployment survey - CHECK
4 - clean emails - CHECK
5 - watch an episode of sons of anarchy - CHECK

end of the month sept 24-25

im 2 days behind and dont really recall what I did this day.  being unemployed has also messed up my days of the week.  i dont know what day it is anymore.  so im giving myself the 24th & 25th off. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

lazy 23rd

the 23rd apparently is a day of rest

1 - finish season 2 sons of anarchy - CHECK
2 - clean sink
3 - finish laundry
4 - print out shop reward - NA
5 - recycle plastic bottles - CHECK

Friday, September 21, 2012

happy 22nd - september 22!

today i get to do some good...

1 - GOCA charity walk - CHECK
2 - give jamie & greg their gift - CHECK
3 - start new tv show for blog - CHECK
4 - read car book
5 - check ebay - CHECK

september 21...closing in

ah, my tasking is falling apart!!

1 - shoe shop - CHECK
2 - email about legal shop - CHECK
3 - look for new shops - CHECK
4 - pay car insurance
5 - return old navy before its too late!! - CHECK

Thursday, September 20, 2012

"the tudors"

"the tudors.."  it had several historical inaccuracies including merging historical figures into one character.  however, i liked it.

katherine of aragon's actress had man hands but the person was faithful and tragic
anne boleyn - i knew the story but i learned more...
jane seymour was probably the love of his life.  henry viii was buried next to her if ive read correctly
anne of cleves was very gracious and very likeable
catherine howard was an idiot
katherine parr was just perfect.

i always knew "divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived" but i didnt know the stories...
the whole thing makes me want to go back to church & drink wine!
it also drove me to do lots of reading on the Tudors.  very interesting & im glad i watched this one...i learned a lot.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

into the 20s - september 20

i have a decision to make today, an important one.  and although i think ive already made it, i still have to give my decision...  not looking forward to that but it is what it is

1 - give my decision - CHECK
2 - finish real estate shops - CHECK
3 - deposit check - CHECK
4 - finish the tudors - CHECK
5 - start legal shop - CHECK

I DID GOOD...sept 19

i did good today..    staying on track with my mystery shops and my budget.  :)

1 - atlanta attraction shop - CHECK
2 - do real estate job profile tests - CHECK
3 - do phone shop - CHECK
4 - watch big brother finale - CHECK
5 - update coke rewards - CHECK

Monday, September 17, 2012

frankly my dear...

so i go in to check an updated ancestry hint and verify that its actually our relative and i see something else...

another person's tree that is connected to ours through my grandmother had a new relative added.
it was like a whole new tree of people that come from my mother's great-grandfather.  how unreal is that!!  its so neat.

his name is frank and hes got siblings and kids and grandkids,etc.  what's interesting is that they were all from vermont.  for a bunch of family that went from spain to california, its really weird to us to find a whole other side of the family that ended up in vermont.  :)

september 18.... back on track

because i didnt do anything yesterday i have extra to do today...

1 - brunch shop - CHECK
2 - finish cell phone shops from yesterday - CHECK
3 - call real estate office about a job - CHECK
4 - wash bedding
5 - bring in receipts

into the 2nd half - september 17

i didnt do as much as i wanted to get done today because i wasnt feeling 100%.  but everything has been rescheduled and i have a busy week ahead

1 - lunch with sister - CHECK
2 - sign up for new shops - CHECK
3 - catch up on big brother - CHECK
4 - send resumes - CHECK
5 - shred old paperwork - CHECK

halfway, september 16

i was lazy yesterday.  due to last minute plans, i didnt do much of anything...  but i tried.

1 - catch up on 'resident evil' - NA
2 - organize shops for the week - CHECK
3 - read some of  'flags of our fathers' - CHECK
4 - update - CHECK
5 - add photos to moms new facebook - CHECK

Friday, September 14, 2012

on the way...september 15

getting close to the mid-month point.  i went over the last 2 weeks of posts and there are 5 days with unfinished tasks.  unacceptable!!

1 - clean out old shop info from email - CHECK
2 - help mom with facebook - CHECK
3 - show mom ancestry info and verify - CHECK
4 - start training again (project: vegas)- CHECK
5 - list ring bearer pillow on ebay - CHECK

what happens in vegas...

yes, i know.  im unemployed & poor.  how can i even THINK of going to vegas???

well, for one, i daily think of going to vegas
second, vegas can be done on a super budget
thirdly, i have a budget plan :O

i have people to go.
i have the weekend to go
this gives me about 10 weeks.

this week, i did many mystery shops and will get 2 small checks.. with my plan of staying in for 2 weeks to save $$$, i was able to pay my car insurance and my medical bills outstanding. 

this also gave me the idea to mystery shop EVERYTHING i can til then.  its a little money here & there that adds up.  and like i said, its easy to do vegas cheaply.

so - project: vegas step 1 - mystery shop as much as possible, pay off current debts and save!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

falling behind & succeeding - sept 14

its been sucky... im averaging 4 of my 5 daily tasks.  since i dont have a job, this is unacceptable.  and apparently my ON TIME payment to old navy has decided to give me a late fee.  however thanks to this blog project and my notes, i know for a fact i paid it on time.   sooooo, tomorrow old navy gets a call and a card account cancellation.

1 -  call old navy!!- NA
2 - do 3 cell phone shops - CHECK
3 - update spreadsheet - CHECK
4 - laundry
5 - bring one item in from car

its a mystery to me...

ive been doing mystery shops since fall 2001.  ive done all kinds of shops in all kinds of industries for all kinds of companies.  but now, being unemployed, ive really had to step up my game.

this month ive taken on 30+ shops.  and already ive made enough extra money to pay my car insurance for this term. 

there are different types of shops - reimbursement, flat fee, or reimbursement + fee.  right now ive been trying to do pay shops only, but ive been doing reimbursement shops to do dinner with friends, put gas in my car, etc - things i would have to do anyway. 

although this has always been something ive done on a monthly basis, i now see the huge potential it has for me in my current situation.  so in october, ill get payments for my september shops, and so on. 

if youre paying for mystery shopper information, its a scam.  all the info is free and all the companies to shop for are free.  PAYING IS A SCAM!

look for companies like A Closer Look, Bare International, Shop N Check, Intellicheck, Sinclair, Person to Person, Bestmark, etc.  Basically google 'mystery shop'.  :)  theres something for everyone.

and if you have kids and do attractions often, theres Amusement Advantage.

LUCKY ME - september 13

tomorrow is more of the same....

1 - 2 test drive shops - CHECK
2 - 2 repair shops - CHECK
3 - check on real estate report check - CHECK
4 - make payment to car insurance
5 - bring in one thing from my trunk

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

the 12th!

i did stuff today.  it seemed like more than it was but im on track...

1 - do test drive shop - CHECK
2 - do 2 repair shops - CHECK
3 - watch "the tudors" - CHECK
4 - organize maps for tomorrows shops - CHECK
5 - find one item for goodwill - CHECK

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

revamp your detox solution

for a fast food addict, the book "the beauty detox solution" hit a nerve.  i know that fast food is not good for you but i dont want to know exactly why.  i did take some nutrition classes though and have an interest in food vs disease so i read this book.

if you dont know kimberly snyder, look her up.  
if you dont know the book "the beauty detox solution", look it up.
and if you like fast food, read this blog post.
also try her green smoothie - really really good!

you will look at food differently and you will think of eating differently.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

september 11 - take a moment

we all know what today is.  however, i still have things to do...

1 - meet whitney at 130 - CHECK
2 - work on mom's wedding album
3 - check tire pressure
4 - finish book club book - CHECK
5 - take a moment and say a prayer - CHECK

where were you?

september11...  for any one of us, we know exactly where we were 9/11/01. 

i was at work.  at a job i loved.  with co-workers i loved.  and my mom called and someone came into her office and said a twin-engine plane ran into the WTC?  i hadnt heard anything yet... keep me posted.

as the morning went on, my office was standing in our office gym watching it all on tv.  and then the tower fell!  and then the other fell!  i went home.  i called my sis who was asleep and didnt know any of this.  she turned on the tv as the towers fell.

you know where you were, i know where i was.  and i doubt ill ever forget it.  take a moment today and say a prayer for the US.  and know that this was so bad, they saw it from space.  :(

10 days has it - september 10

im writing this list the night of the 10th, but only because today was busy.  however, the purpose of this "project: september" is to prepare for the next day.

1 - complete 16 mystery shops - CHECK
2 - make coffee plans with whitney tomorrow - CHECK
3 - track down "walking dead" season 2 - IN PROGRESS
4 - do unemployment for this week - CHECK
5 - make deposit - CHECK


september 9 - sunday night

so i still have undone tasks from last week... i am failing this project horribly so far...

so what to do?  fix it.  and here, for your entertainment, the tasks of september 9, 2012...

1 - dinner in midtown - CHECK
2 - send resumes - CHECK
3 - sign up for new shops for next week - CHECK
4 - pick out some new goodwill items to take - CHECK
5 - get some sleep - CHECK

Saturday, September 8, 2012

8 is great.... september 8

i cant understand how its already the weekend again.  i feel like we just had one..

anyway, i need to keep on track with this project.  its been officially 1 week of september and i already skipped 2 days.

im also adding a new rule - each week, i cant make a new list until i complete all the tasks from the previous week, so i did that yesterday.

1 - do one ancestry relative update (*see 'project: ancestry')- CHECK
2 - post pillow on ebay - CHECK
3 - recycle plastic bottles - CHECK
4 - organize shops on calendar - CHECK
5 -send resumes - CHECK

Friday, September 7, 2012

back on track...sept 7

alright, i should've set this up earlier today or yesterday, but here goes...

1 - pay honda bill - CHECK
2 - sign up for new car shop - CHECK
3 - send resumes - CHECK
4 - pay old navy bill - CHECK
5 - do more laundry - CHECK

september 6 - a day off...

i forgot to post yesterday but here goes

1 - work on reports - CHECK
2 - dinner in midtown - CHECK
3 - update mystery shops - CHECK
4 - let go of a grudge - CHECK
5 - sign up for new shops - CHECK

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Old school...

My family has semi-started ancestry records. We actually have a LOT of info & photos but it needs organizing.

I did subscribe to which is simply wonderful!!! Got some trees set up but soooo many pics to upload still.

This week ill start doing this. Its been on my mind for a year...its time

remember remember... september 5!!

tomorrow is a busy one... and im thankful for that.  ive been a bit bored.  but i have a little of everything... job, social, charity, etc...

1 - go to take test for admin job - NA
2 - do 2 mystery shops tonight - NA
3 - work on BPOs - CHECK
4 - take box to goodwill
5 - find book club book - CHECK

september 4!!

today is the first day back after labor day.  but im unemployed so i had time to do errands etc.  nothing exciting...  but here goes

1 - start BPO project - CHECK
2 - pick next book to read - CHECK
3 - scan paperwork - CHECK
4 - claim unemployment for the week - CHECK
5 - sign up for at least one mystery shop - CHECK

bonus - send availability email for work :) - CHECK


im a super coffee drinker.

lattes, chai tea lattes, pumpkin things in the fall.... and when i was working i drove thru a coffee place every morning.  cha-ching.

so now that money is an issue...  i make my own.

coffee, ice, vanilla creamer

and my favorite new flavor  is vanilla natural bliss by coffee-mate.  this one is extra good because its all natural, flavors, cream and thats about it.  not all the other stuff products usually have now.
get a coupon for it here and save another couple cents

and of course the international delight creamers which are super.  get a coupon here.

third of september...

september 3 - last day of the labor day weekend...
ive been terribly lazy the last few days, but lets get on with it...

1 -post finished book on amazon - CHECK
2 - do a load of laundry - CHECK
3 - do a face mask
4 - send 10 resumes - CHECK
5 -fix pillow to sell on ebay - CHECK

Monday, September 3, 2012

september 2....

september 2 - labor day weeked.  day of rest from work right?  well, since im unemployed this does not apply to me.


1 - finish my book - CHECK
2 - hang out with friends for labor day - CHECK
3 - recycle all plastic bottles - CHECK
4 - clean out 5 emails - CHECK
5 - pick up prescription - CHECK

Saturday, September 1, 2012

project september...

30 days has september...  if i do 5 productive things a day, thats 150 things off my list, right??

today is september 1, 2012.  i start now...

today top 5:
1 - finish season 1 "the tudors" - CHECK
2 - mail book i sold on amazon - CHECK
3 - clean bathroom - CHECK
4 - find & scan SSN card  for payroll purposes - CHECK
5 - make a car payment - CHECK

im now accountable to this blog.  :)