Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Last vegas

This was a good movie, it had everything I love about Vegas!!

It had the gambling and the winning and the parties and the clubs and the bars and the views and the pools!! However....there were sad parts.

It was about old people who already had friends die & they didn't get as long with their kids & they were all alone! My one biggest biggest and most horrible fear is that I end up old & by myself.

But once they got to Vegas, it livened up. It ended an an entire-cast happy note and I liked it :)

Oh yeah, and the best cast ever.....

Enders game

Star wars + war games + independence day.

And it was wonderful!

Gravity pulled me in...

First of all, 3D and imax. That's first if all. But if you no longer have theater access to this nonstop action ride whose main characters are Sandra, George, space debris and other inanimate objects. It's ok. Just see it!!!!

I as claustrophobic, anxious and lonely throughout the movie but you feel like you're in it.   It's an experience. And youll never forget it. And Sandra bullock carries it almost entirely alone.