following 2 vegas trips and some bday stuff... this was the week with my saturday night, friends in a bar birthday celebration.
this night came with some disappointment, as my birthday usually does. about a quarter of the people who were coming actually showed up. my ride was super late which made me late. my friends that actually showed up were the early to bed group, not the late night group, as i am in...
i changed the venue to accommodate one friend who didn't show. and 2 of my close friends decided not to show but forgot to tell me. to end the night, a whole group of other people who were coming canceled last minute. and my 'partner in crime' was mad at me for the evening.
i was pretty much done. it was like one thing after another. and the more i tried to widen my fake smile and dance and drink til i forgot i was sad, it didn't work. ill be honest - i was disappointed. those im always there for, never showed. those i always transport & assist, put me on their schedule.
i always see my birthday as a measure of who your friends are. its the one day you can unselfishly claim as your own. i try to go for everyone else, and every year my group gets smaller.
i failed this week. i was sad. i admit it. it hurt when i had to message people at midnight to see if maybe they just couldn't find our table. and this week i couldn't hold it in. it had been a little bit of an anxious month between work and some other issues i lied to myself about comfortable with. it was just one petty final straw that set me off and my night ended badly. trying to make up for it now and week 20 didn't go well either.
i feel like im completely failing at the secret project of 2013. 30 days to make a new habit?? im on week 17 and i have nothing to show for it. when does success kick in?